Ingatkah kalian dengan Teletubbies?? Dan kata favorit mereka : "Berpelukan.."
Dulu tiap kali aku lihat Teletubbies akan merasa SWT dengan acara peluk-pelukan itu. Tapi sekarang 100% bisa kukatakan, berpelukan sebaiknya dianjurkan demi kesehatan mental :)
Sebulan terakhir ini ada beberapa hug (dari manusia) yang aku rasakan. Mulai dari hug mama-papa waktu Sincia kemarin dan langsung membuat suasana keluarga normal lagi. Dari cece sepupuku, aku jadi merasa bener-bener punya saudara kandung cewek. Lalu dari temen-temen SMA, Danica yang punya pelukan paling besar dan hangat. Thania dan Jojo yang pelukannya bikin hati nyaman. Heidy yang pelukannya bikin moodku bagus. Semua hug bener2 mampu membuat hari-hari dan moodku cerah. Jadi 2 hari terakhir ini aku search tentang keajaiban dari sebuah hug, dan inilah hasilnya:
Dari How to Hug - wikiHow
Steps to Hug:
- Approach the person. It will be easy. Depending on the person's relationship to you, you might want to approach differently:
- Family Hug: Approach kindly, but not too emotionally.
- Friend Hug (girls): Approach caringly, sometimes humorously, and smile.
- Friend Hug (guys): Approach genuinely, smile sweetly and if he is hugging another just make it obvious you're uncomfortable and he'll feel you deserve a hug too
- Crush Hug: Approach carefully, but do not seem shy. Smile slightly and perhaps say a caring word or two.
- Lover Hug: It doesn't matter who starts this; either can make it just as romantic. When approaching, put your hands on their shoulders and look them in the eyes. Say you love them, how much you care for them, and how much you are loving every second with them. Then fall into each other and hug with all your heart.
- Embrace. Lean forward and wrap your arms around the person.
- Family Hug: You can keep talking when hugging; it will not ruin the momentum. Where you place your hands is not important; the hugged won't think it over too much. Press gently; it is not necessary to have head-contact. Stroke your hands quickly across the top of the hugged's back. Smile when letting go.
- Friend Hug (girls): Close your eyes and think about how much you love your friend when hugging. Press as much as you feel like. (But don't squish!) Do not clap the hugged on the shoulders or such; some girls think you don't like them if you do it that way.
- Friend Hug (guys): Embrace strongly, and clap each other on the top of your backs. If it's an emotional moment, keep in the hugged position for a brief moment and do not clap each others backs.
- Crush Hug: Press the hugged warmly towards you. If you are a man, her arms should be around your neck, and you should be embracing her around the waist. When pressing her against you, you can lift her up a bit, pressing her chest and upper stomach against yours. Keep it in that position for a while, and then let go. Look her in the eyes when you separate and continue the conversation naturally. If you are the woman, put your arms behind his neck and press your chest lightly onto his chest.
- Lover Hug: 1) Males: Carefully sliding both your hands down from her shoulders, put them on her waist and slide them around her lower back. Put your head on her shoulder and press her towards you for as long as you like. If you want to, you can give her a small massage with your hands, and try to warm her. When separating, you can look into her eyes, smile genuinely and, if the situation is fitting, kiss her like you mean it and include some hair massage. 2) Females: Extend your arms toward him and hold them around his neck and shoulders. Lean as close as possible and press your torso against his. In situations of extreme intimacy, interlocking your leg in his is appropriate. Avoid holding your arms below his shoulders and/or embracing strongly and tensely, even if you're about the same height as him. It might seem weird but it'll work!
- Don't hug too tightly. The best way to judge how tightly or loosely to hug is to let whomever you're hugging indicate what they want by how hard they squeeze. If they are soft, be soft back; if they like bear hugs and squeeze tightly, hug back the same way (but don't suffocate him/her).
- Don't let go too early. A hug is a powerful way to communicate your caring for another person, as it can feel great and greatly improve one's mood. If someone hugs you, they may want a long, loving hug (maybe they are upset or down), so just go along with it and hug them until they let go or loosen their hold. If you try to end it early, it may seem awkward for both of you.
- A good approach no matter what your relationship with the person you'll be hugging is...walk up to them from a few (maybe 3) feet away, arms open. When you get to them, wrap your arms around approximately their midsection. Hold for a few seconds, then let go.
Rescuing Hug
This is a picture from an article called, "The Rescuing Hug." The article details the first week of life of a set of twins. Apparently, each were in their respective incubators, and one was not expected to live. A hospital nurse fought against the hospital rules and placed the babies in one incubator. When they were placed together, the healthier of the two threw an arm over her sister in an endearing embrace. The smaller baby's heart rate stabilized and her temperature rose to normal.They both survived, and are thriving! In fact, now that the two girls are home, they still sleep together, and still snuggle. The hospital changed their policy after they saw the effect of putting the two girls together, and now they bed multiples together.
Ensign magazine May '98 pg. 94
Adapted from the Readers Digest article
"A Sister's Helping Hand" May 1996 Pp. 155-56
Hugging is good medicine. It transfers energy, and gives the person hugged an emotional boost. You need four hugs a day for survival, eight for maintenance, and twelve for growth. A hug makes you feel good. The skin is the largest organ we have and it needs a great deal of care. A hug can cover a lot of skin and gives the message that you care. It is also a form of communication. It can say things you don't have words for. The nicest thing about a hug is that you usually can't give one without getting one.
Author Unknown
It's wondrous what a hug can do.
A hug can cheer you when you're blue
A hug can say, "I love you so,"
Or, "I hate to see you go."
A hug is "Welcome back again."
And "Great to see you! Where 'er you been?"
A hug can soothe a small child's pain
And bring a rainbow after rain.
The hug, there's just no doubt about it --
We scarcely could survive without it!
A hug delights and warms and charms;
It must be why God gave us arms
Hugs are great for fathers and mothers,
Sweet for sisters, swell for brothers;
And chances are your favorite aunts
love them more than potted plants.
Kittens crave them, puppies love them,
Heads of states are not above them.
A hug can break the language barrier
And make your travel so much merrier.
No need to fret about your store of 'em;
The more you give, the more there are of 'em.
So stretch those arms without delay
And give someone a hug today!
- Dean Walley, (the Messenger)
Setelah browsing sana-sini, tiba-tiba ada satu pikiran muncul dalam pikiranku. Tidur bisa dikategorikan sebagai aktivitas paling nyaman, benar kan? Lalu menurutku kehadiran guling sebagai benda yang bisa kita peluk, menambahkan rasa nyaman saat tidur. Agak ga nyambung sih sebenernya :D
Yang jelas, kalau misal ada hati yang ga enak, bisa dilampiaskan dengan cara memeluk orang (yang deket tentunya). Kalau misalnya ga ada orang, bisa dengan memeluk boneka :D